In this entry I thought I’d add some visual tidbits to go along with my most recent Podcast featuring tales of the Davy Jones and the Ghost Ships. So if you haven’t listened yet…make sure you do:
You can check out my podcast here:
Davy Jones
I’m sure you’ve heard of Davy Jones and his locker where those who perish at sea go, but interestingly there really aren’t that many stories about him (unless you count Pirates of the Caribbean).
Mostly he is just a devilish guy at the bottom of the sea…and you don’t want to visit him.
The Flying Dutchman
The Flying Dutchman on the other hand is a completely different tale, that was mooshed together with Davy Jones when the Pirates of the Caribbean film. It is a ship filled with cursed crew.
Here’s a clip that features Richard Wagner’s Opera based on the legend
Here’s a few nautical pieces of mine…not necessarily of Davy Jones or the Flying Dutchman but rather the mysteries of the deep.
Full Fathom Five
Devil and the Deep Blue Sea