I've decided to put a list of things I'd like to do together. Sure, some are outrageous and bizarre, others mundane and ordinary…ok…never mind…none of these locations are mundane.
Here we go:
1. Transylvania - I'd love to travel to Transylvania following the route that Jonathan Harker took in the novel, Dracula. Beware the Borgo Pass!
2. Waitomo Caves in New Zealand - Black water rafting in New Zealand - subterranean rafting…with miners hats and glowworms on the cave ceilings!
Black water rafting in New Zealand - subterranean rafting…with miners hats and glowworms on the cave ceilings!
3. Flea Marketing in San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina - artefacts, malbec, steak…and tango!
4. Krampus Nacht in Austria - the annual Xmas festival with lots of devils looking for those who have been naughty.
5. Noche de los Rabanos, Oaxaca Mexico - Night of the Radishes, the Oaxacan harvest celebration where radishes are not just a food but an piece of art.
6. Havana, Cuba - old cars, revolutionary artists, and Santaria.
7. Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic - I never made it here last time I was in Prague, it's a church whose interior is ornately adorned using human bones.
8.The Haunted Island of Poveglia, Venice, Italy - Venice would be a treat on it's own but Poveglia was is a small island nearby, said to be haunted. Why you ask? This is where all the plague victims went. Eerie.
9. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul - I love places the exhibit the historic and artist clash of cultures…Istanbul…Constantinople…Instanbul.
10. The Alnwick Poison Garden and Whitby, UK- Whitby is a location Dracula buffs might be familiar with…it's the seaside village where Dracula's ship crashes ashore. Just up the road about twenty km is a strange botanical garden that only features deadly plants! Don't even sniff them!
So that's my list. Don't be surprised if someday, I put together a little excursion in any or all of these locations. I'm ready to travel…how bout you?