Supply List
Brushes - to modify. Ideally cheap house paint brushes about 1 inch to 2 inches in width
Aves Apoxie Clay
E-6000 glue or Weldbond
Wood Filler
Acrylic Latex Caulking (white) – ie Dap, Alex Plus. Modeling Paste and Molding Paste will work too.
Paint – Kroma Paints if offering a 10% discount to participants. Discount Code: “Sandyclaws” (Good 10-1 to 12/11)
Gesso – black or white or clear or all
Paints- Titanium White, Carbon Black, Pthalo Blue, Quinacridone Red, Napthol Red Medium, Transparent Red Oxide, Nickel Azo Yellow, Sap Green, Permanent Green, Dioxazine Purple.
Brushes to Paint with - Bristle brushes and detail brushes
Optional Paints –
Iridescent Silver, Iridescent Gold, Pearlescent White, Cadmium Chartreuse, Cobalt Teal, Cadmium Lemon Yellow.
Tools that will come in handy
Drill (hand or power)
Dremel – with cut off wheel and sanding drum
Heat gun