So I'm running a little contest which starts today April 3, 2014 and runs until midnight April 6th. It is based on a little game that I play on Facebook with my friends called deMented Dictionary. I make up an odd, usually unpronounceable word and everyone else has to come up with a definition. This gave me an idea for a contest.
So this is what the winner gets:
Hipster Hamlet 3"x5" 2011
Here's the skinny:
Below I will show a word. This word, though invented, was actually used by me as a youth. The winner will be the definition which is closest to mine.
So here are the rules.
- FOLLOW THE RULES OR YOU WILL BE ZAPPED WITH AN ELECTRO BEAM! Not really but I you're entry won't count.
- Submissions MUST be made in the comment section of THIS BLOG. Not on FB.
- Winner will receive a sketch of my choosing.
- Only one entry per person. I you do add a more than one…only the first will count. So choose wisely.
- You have until Midnight April 6 2014 Pacific Time to put your entry in the comment section.
- Judging is highly subjective. It's unlikely that you will get the actual definition…so I'm going to have to use my gut to figure out which definition is in the ballpark.
- In the amazingly unlikely chance that more than person comes up with the definition I will put the names in a hat and decide that way.
- Winner will be announced Monday April 7, 2014.