Why Art History Doesn't Suck


Why Art History Doesn't Suck


Why Art History Doesn't Suck - Episode One: Surrealism

It's seems to me that some folks are a bit intimidated by Art History.  Perhaps they view it as a dry, dull topic that has no bearing on their life.   I can relate; I've experienced my share of droning, over-intellectualized lectures...so I've decided I would spice it up a bit...and I put together a series of Art History workshops designed to excite the most unexcitable.  These videos will be playful and funny, but most importantly they will be informational.   From my unique perspective, I will share with you the reasons the various movements and artists are so important, as well as the ideas that inspired them, along with a bit of their (sometimes very peculiar) personalities.

This project starts off with strange visions and dreams.... the Surrealists.   Ill talk about what inspired them, the awesome dinner parties, their influences, and why the hell you'd eat spiders as an appetizer (I'll explain that in class).  As a special treat  for those artists signing up of the "Why Art History Doesn't Suck" Workshop I'll also have a few hands-on projects where you can experiment with the Surrealist methodology in your studio.

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